Learn a ton of strategies and tips to keep your email marketing game strong and successful, even in the face of iOS 15.
Catch 4 key takeaways from Session 1 of the Elevating eCommerce webinar series: learn how top brands are building stellar CX programs with automation and personalization.
Learn pro insights from Amazon veterans at growing data-centric companies (Marketplace Valet, 5.11 Tactical, and Carpe) to help you develop a sophisticated and optimized Amazon business.
For eCommerce merchants, choosing the right Cloud Data Warehouse can be a daunting task. Here’s a guide to Snowflake, BigQuery, and Redshift to help you make the right choice.
In this Data Snacks episode, Daasity CEO and Co-Founder, Dan LeBlanc, explains what is meant by Extensible Platform in data analytics, and how to make sure that you are using an Extensible Platform to maximize actionable data for your eCommerce brand.
Merchants trying to extract their Amazon Seller Central data face a unique set of challenges: here is everything to be aware of as you work on building a single source of truth around Amazon data.
Catch the key takeaways from Session 1 of the Summertime Prep webinar series: learn some CX tips, the latest on automation, customer segmentation strategies, and some of the best eCommerce tools available today.
Stay Data-Driven.