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Segmenting Discount Shoppers



This playbook walks through how to target and segment customers based on whether they have ever used a discount code or not in their history of being a customer. This will allow you to create different marketing to customers who are seeking a discount vs. those that will buy at full margin.

How to sync customer discount code usage to your marketing channels.

Part 1: Creating an Audiences Target 

1. In the Daasity app, click on New Target.

2. Click on Klaviyo Profile or Attentive Subscriber, or Facebook Audiences. You will want to recreate this segment for all the channels that you market in.

3. Under General, create a Name (to ID in Daasity app) and a Profile Name (to ID in your Marketing platform). 

     a. Select Only update existing profiles

     b. For Discount Usage, you will need to select Customer Ever Used a Discount Code

4. Under Authorize Daasity, add your Private API Key/Log into your account.

5. Under Audiences Source, make sure that the chosen source is Daasity Customer Segments.

     a. Then, choose the Customer Ever Used a Discount Code report.

Screenshot of creating a Daasity - Klaviyo sync

Screenshot of creating a Daasity - Attentive sync

Screenshot of creating a Daasity - Facebook sync

1. Under Data Mapping, sync the appropriate channel for each source:

     a. For Klaviyo, type in (or select) $email for the field

     b. For Attentive, type in (or select) $phone for the field

2. Under Schedule, select the frequency you want Daasity to update customer profiles (we recommend Daily).

Part 2: Leverage discount data for more personalized marketing 

In Klaviyo:

1. Create Segments based on customers that have ever used a discount code.

     Ex. Send this segment emails anytime you run a large promo onsite to ensure that they see when you run promos.

2. Branch your automations based on the customer discount code usage.

     Ex.  Create multiple branches of your abandoned cart flow and target these customers with discount codes vs. other incentives for other customers.

3. Create dynamic blocks in campaigns and journeys to dynamically tailor messages and images based on customers' discount code usage.

     Ex. Include additional promos in your messages for customers who use discount codes and remove the block if they don’t use discount codes. This way, you can incentivize customers who will use the discount vs. the customer who don’t need the discount incentive.

In Attentive:

1. Create segments based on discount code usage to have the ability to send targeted campaigns based on relevant events and content.

     Ex. Send a campaign to customers when you drop price on a product to incentivize these cost- conscious customers to purchase the product.

2. Branch your automations based on the customer discount usage.

     Ex. Create multiple branches of your post-purchase flow and target these customers with discount codes to incentivize their next purchase vs. other incentives for customers who don’t need the discount code to incentivize their next purchase.

In Facebook:

Create different Audiences based on discount code usage and adjust the creative in each ad based on the customers' discount code usage.

     Ex. When you run a promo on site, target these customers to let them know about the sale.

The Final Huddle:

  • Leverage customer discount code usage across your marketing channels to tailor your message and offer to the customers that are more incentivized by discounts and deals.
  • Update the customer's profile in each channel so you can leverage the data point across different messages, campaigns, automations, etc.

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Helpful Links:

  1. 19 Ways to Use Discount Codes

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