Daasity + Inventory Planner

Optimize your inventory with Inventory Planner. Forecast, replenish, and manage purchase orders. Inventory Planner forecasts customer demand and alerts you when to order, ensuring you have the right products at the right time. Effortlessly create purchase orders and balance stock levels across multiple locations. Gain valuable insights into your inventory performance with detailed reports and analytics, empowering you to make informed decisions and maximize your profitability. Avoid losing revenue from stockouts, release cash tied up in poor-performing products, and optimize cash flow.

Daasity + Inventory Planner

The Daasity + Inventory Planner integration enables you to better manage your inventory by tracking your purchase orders and incoming shipments to ensure you will never run out-of-stock. Elevate your analytics by combining your current inventory and projected incoming inventory together, seamlessly, in one place.
Entity Relationship Diagram
Available on:
Daasity Growth
Daasity Growth+
Daasity Audiences
Daasity Pro
Have questions about this integration? We’re happy to help! Send us an email at
When it comes to our data, it’s easier to say what we don’t use Daasity for.
Curtis Howland
Director of Marketing, Carpe

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